Earlybird CBD GummiesI’ve been a fan of CBD products for yearsssss. I first started taking CBD 4 years ago to help with anxiety and found that it worked wonders. It helped me to stay more calm without any adverse side effects. I still take daily CBD products that help take the edge off any anxiety I may feel during the day yet still allow me to be productive and work/parent/live/etc.

Earlybird CBD Gummies Review

What is CBD?

All of the CBD products I have tried and currently use contain phytocannabinoids harvested from the hemp plant and do not contain THC in them. THC is the ingredient found in cannabis plants that is responsible for creating the “high” feeling that you get from marijuana or marijuana products. As someone who doesn’t drink and have never smoked marijuana (or done any drugs for that matter), I don’t particularly like feeling altered so I avoided any CBD products that contained THC. But if I’m being honest, I’ve been wanting to try something with THC at a very low dose to give me a stronger feeling of relaxation when needed. I have heard tons of buzz and positive reviews about EarlyBird CBD and decided to give it a try.

How does CBD make me feel?

Earlybird CBD Gummies reviewThe EarlyBird CBD gummies contain a microdose amount of THC in addition to CBD which gives a stronger sense of relaxation. When they first arrived, I wasn’t sure how strong they would be and how my body would react. Especially since I do not like the feeling of being altered in any way. I started off taking 1/3 of a gummy but to be honest felt almost nothing. So the next time, I took the other 2/3 of that gummy and still didn’t feel much of anything. A tiny bit of relaxation but nothing significant. The third time I took a full gummy and finally felt the effects. But was so relieved that it was a deeper sense of relaxation without the feeling of being altered.

How often should you take CBD?

I prefer to take one in the evening typically a few hours before bed which is when I want to feel that sense of relaxation. I have been taking one gummy and start to feel the effects about an hour in. It definitely will affect people in different ways but for me I get VERY relaxed and sleepy. However, if Miles was to wake up I am still alert enough to help him with whatever he needs. It doesn’t stop my ability to stay alert and function at a high level, but allows me to be very relaxed. I often will fall asleep shortly after. But on the nights that I haven’t, the feeling of relaxation normally lasts 3-4 hours for me.

Regarding sleep, it does help me get to sleep and I stay asleep and wake without feeling groggy. If Miles wakes me up in the middle of the night, I am able to get right back to sleep which has been amazing! I personally wouldn’t take one during the day because it makes me way too sleepy. And if I had to get anything done, I probably wouldn’t and would take a nap. So for me these are strictly for nighttime.

Earlybird CBD Gummies review

What does CBD taste like?

When I shared these on my Instagram stories, I had quite a few messages asking me about the taste. CBD/hemp is quite a strong and pungent ingredient – just think of the way that marijuana smells. It’s strong and not that great (in my opinion). So all the CBD products I have ever tried have a strong taste to them. Not entirely pleasant but frankly, it does not bother me at all. EarlyBird makes different flavors in the gummies which does help to offset the CBD taste but you can still detect it. I enjoy the gummies and have gotten used to the taste. But it’s worth noting if strong flavors really affect you in a negative way.

If you want to try them but don’t want to commit to a full size, they sell these small trial packets that contain 4 gummies and are only $13. That is what I ordered first to make sure I liked them. And then ordered a full size bottle right after the packet was finished. I definitely plan to keep on reordering because this is the first product I’ve found that really helps me get a deeper sense of relaxation when needed without any adverse reactions or side effects.

Have you tried any CBD products before? What are your experiences with them?