Since I do almost all of my shopping online (I’ve been this way for years now), there are some pieces I am unsure will look great and others I know will instantly be a hit. This dress fell into the category of instantly knowing it would be a hit. The shape wasn’t too wide though it still looked quite loose and comfortable and the color was gorgeous. While I don’t wear too much yellow, I am really loving marigold for the fall because it is so much richer and flattering when on.
If you live in a warmer climate, this is the perfect seasonal transition dress because the colors it comes in (there are 5) are all appropriate for fall but the short sleeves make it easy to wear in the heat. However, if you live in a cooler climate, I also think this is great for a transitional dress because it pairs well with a long cardigan or a moto jacket like I wore in this picture. And either flats, sneakers, heels or ankle boots all would work with it. In other words, it’s absolutely a great dress for transitioning into fall no matter where you live!
Not fashion related, but here’s some random thoughts that have been on my mind this past week.
1. Third trimester is kicking my butt. And while I anticipated that it would, it still hit me like a ton of bricks. I will be doing a final bumpdate in a few weeks so I will chat more about it then.
2. Obviously you gain a new perspective on something once you have gone through it, so I have a new outlook on how to relate to a pregnant woman. I am still shocked at how many people try to scare you with weird stories/comments in the name of “offering advice”. LOL My new favorite thing to say to a pregnant woman is how great they are doing, and how they will be a great mom! Sometimes a boost of encouragement makes you remember how strong you really are.
3. I forgot how hot September can be, and do that every year. Once September hits, I assume it going to be nice and brisk with no humidity. And then never dress correctly because it ends up being hotter than August sometimes! (this was the case in NYC as well when I lived there)
4. I’ve been trying to make an effort to get up earlier each morning because I tend to feel more productive when I do, but as someone that is not a morning person it is still a challenge. Any tips on how to get up earlier?
5. I’m really excited for Elmo to meet the baby. He is such a wonderful dog and absolutely adores kids, so that is truly one of the things I am looking forward to the most right now.
6. My skin is beginning to venture back into the oily territory (just slightly) and I’m already bummed about it. Ha! I was loving having drier skin and it actually made wearing makeup a bit more fun because I wasn’t worried about controlling oil all day. It’s not completely back to the way it was, but I am hoping that it does stay a bit more dry permanently. #glowymakeupismorefun
Dress – Lush | Boots – Sam Edelman (from last year but similar here and these are so classic and chic!) | Bag – Chloe | Sunglasses – Quay | Lipstick – Nudestix Matte Pencil in Belle | Necklace – Made Community
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